Forest, science and business platform

TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS is a science-business platform addressing key challenges for the sustainable provision of wood-based products to meet societal demands and thereby supporting the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The platform was initiated by IUFRO and Mondi in 2021 and invites more industry partners to join.

Our Team

The partnership is strongly supported by an excellent team.


We recently published a report that outlines the impacts of climate change and also considers other factors, such as political uncertainties and a fragmented forest landscape.

Think Tanks Meetings & Stakeholder Dialogues

At our Think Tank Meetings and Stakeholder Dialogues, we identify and discuss forest-relevant research priorities and synthesize knowledge.

Join the platform

If you want to join the TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS platform as new industry partner, please get in touch.
The partnership has a pan-European focus and aims to build bridges between science, business and stakeholders for the benefit of forests, the sector and society as a whole. Since 2021, we have been organizing regular partnership meetings and workshops to create a network for sharing best practices along the forest value chain.
Move towards SDGs aligned responses

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Our Latest News

IUFRO and Mondi extend TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS to secure future wood supply
March 21, 2025
IUFRO and Mondi extend TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS to secure future wood supply
IUFRO and Mondi announced the extension of TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS, which since its launch in 2021, has established a unique network of more than 100 scientists, business representatives, forest owners and policymakers along the entire forest value chain to tackle key challenges in the sustainable provision of wood-based products to meet societal demands.
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Forests take the stage at COP29: Science and Business for Climate Action
November 20, 2024
Forests take the stage at COP29: Science and Business for Climate Action
At UN Climate Change COP 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan (11-19 November), the global conference had its first ever Forest Pavilion to highlight forests as cornerstone of climate solutions. And TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS participated in the day themed Forests Forward: Harnessing Science, Technology, and Innovation for Climate Finance & Action, organised by the International Union...
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Active Forest Management Strengthens Europe’s Forests Against Climate Change
November 11, 2024
Active Forest Management Strengthens Europe’s Forests Against Climate Change
Ahead of the UN Climate COP29, the TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS (TU4F) hosted a webinar that brought together over 100 participants to discuss the future of forest management in the face of climate change.  The authors of the Europe’s wood supply in disruptive times report, Florian Kraxner and Andrey Krasovskiy (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis...
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TU4F at COP29
October 23, 2024
TU4F at COP29
On 16 November, the Forest Pavilion at COP29 will focus on the theme of “Forests Forward: Harnessing Science, Technology, and Innovation for Climate Finance & Action”, and TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS will hold a presentation on “Driving sustainable development through collaboration” and share the journey of connecting scientists, businesses and stakeholders to tackle challenges for...
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TU4F at Cepi Bioeconomy Lab
September 30, 2024
TU4F at Cepi Bioeconomy Lab
IUFRO’s Carola Egger and Maja Radosavljevic represented the Teaming Up 4 Forest science-business platform at the Cepi Bioeconomy LAB in Brussels, Belgium, on 24 September 2024. The event on 23-24 September was organized by the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI), the pan-European association representing the forest fibre and paper industry, as a follow-up to...
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